One of the most important duties that the HRs from the contracting company have on their shoulder is to make sure that their workforce stays happy. Happy and satisfying work is directly related to higher employee retention.
Based on our observation and with the feedback from various sources in the construction industry, we have curated a list to help you see the red flags (if there are any) with your current labour accommodation partners.
Have a look at these:
- Provide a copy of the tenancy contract to the company which occupies the accommodation.
- Provide water tank cleaning contract from an approved company from Dubai Municipality to do tank cleaning. This cleaning should be done once every 6 months at least, and keep a copy of the last updated cleaning reports.
- Provide pest control contract from an approved company from Dubai Municipality to do the treatment once every 1 month for common areas, and 3 months at least for rooms & keep a copy of last updated treatment reports.
- Provide pest control contract from an approved company from Dubai Municipality
- Provide periodic maintenance to various systems and air conditioning units.
- Adequate ventilation, air conditioning, and lighting should be provided.
- Potable water should be provided for the accommodation.
- Grease traps should be outside the kitchen, dining halls & should connect with the drainage system.
- Provision of rodents & insect protection facilities fixed on the doors, windows & exits.
To Provide a smooth experience for the labourers, checking the maintenance & cleaning services provided by your labour management solution providers is a must.