
Top 3 Technologies that will help Businesses to Deal with the Current Pandemic

In the last few months, we have faced a global crisis hitting all the economies hard. As a result, many companies have faced tremendous losses, some of them have run out of the business, many of them are forced to fire their employees. All of this is putting up a question. Being a business can we learn something from this global pandemic?

And the answer is YES!

Which brings us down to another question:

What changes we can adopt today in order to protect the lives of our employees while making sure that the business remains up and running and operational? Here’s a list of things that we see should be adopted by businesses as a future precaution, to deal with the current pandemic situation in coming months.

Thermographic Cameras:

With the use of camera and artificial intelligence it is possible to measure the body temperature of those visible through its frame.Such cameras can be deployed at the sites through which we can detect the unusual body temperature of an individual, so the required measures can be taken.

Distance Calculator:

This technology can be deployed in the cameras by using the technology of Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning to calculate the distance between the workers.With this technology we can automate the social distancing.

Disinfection Pods:

Recently some companies have launched their disinfection pods, these pods will spray a diluted sanitizer which will help to disinfect people and their clothes. This sums up our list of the technology which will help businesses to operate under this pandemic.

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